Valery - Private Sex Cam

I am nice, friendly babe - until someone pisses me off!! Ha! I am turned on by men who know what they like and want - and can verbalize it. I`d love to hear your fantasies and desires - come in and share them with me!

Valery Vorschau
Valery Vorschau
Valery Vorschau

Persönliche Daten

Alter: 18
Sternzeichen: Löwe
Geschlecht: weiblich
Postleitzahl: 0
Land: Polen
Haar: brünett , lang
Augenfarbe: braun
Ausrichtung: heterosexuell
Piercing: keins
Hautfarbe: weiss
Intimrasur: vollrasiert
Körbchengrösse: B
Grösse / Figur: 172 , normal
I have a way of making a man hard just by whispering in his ear.
Valery - Sex Cam